Rhino Hand Grinder

Rhino Hand Grinder


Not ready to invest in a home grinder? Need to grind coffee on the go? This ones for you.

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The Rhino Coffee Gear Hand Grinder is a great solution for grinding coffee on-the-go; for travel, work, or even just at home. With a smooth grinding motion, quality materials, and a convenient 42 gram capacity, the Rhino Hand Grinder is a perfect choice for manually grinding your favourite coffee beans.

Some of the features of the Rhino hand grinder include:

- Quality stainless steel housing which makes cleaning easier and reduces static
- Tested and certified as food safe by an independent laboratory providing peace of mind
- Conical ceramic burrs which stay sharp longer, don't rust and are easier to clean
- A simple adjustment method for a range of grind types
- Ample capacity - can hold up to 42 grams of coffee beans
- A convenient and protective carry bag
- Smooth grinding motion 
- Superior particle size distribution

A couple helpful hints for adjusting the appropriate grind:

- For grind to suit Aeropress, tighten nut all the way, then ease off half a turn

- For French Press, ease off 1.5 turns

- For a v60, tighten the burrs all the way, and then go half a turn back. Some further adjustment may be required from there depending on the specific beans used. Suggested ratio is 60g/litre.

- For a moka pot, which is somewhere between drip and espresso, adjust your grind to the finest level (adjust so that the burrs are touching) then open up a notch or two.

And some cleaning tips:

- It's best to pull the grinder apart and give it a clean every 4 weeks or more often if you are using darker more oily roasts.

- Just use warm, soapy water and an old toothbrush to remove all residual coffee.

- Make sure to rinse with fresh water when finished and allow the parts to fully dry before re-assembling